by vdc | Feb 3, 2011 | General
BIOARRAY Therapeutics, Inc. is developing a series of novel diagnostic tests based on gene expression technology. These new tests will detect breast cancer at its earliest stages and will help to predict the best therapy for each individual patient. BIOARRAY was...
by vdc | Oct 28, 2010 | Incubators
With a proof of concept in hand, startup NobleGen Biosciences is setting up at the VDC to develop and commercialize a single-molecule sequencing technology that uses arrays of solid-state nanopores and optical detection. The method comes from the lab of Amit Meller at...
by vdc | Oct 25, 2010 | General, Tech transfer
Susan Windham-Bannister, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, and Dustin Armstrong, 4s3 Bioscience 4s3 Bioscience, Inc., an early-stage Massachusetts biotherapeutics company, is moving to the Venture Development Center, its first formal location. The company was...
by vdc | Aug 19, 2010 | Incubators
Elects to launch in Massachusetts A group of up-and-comers backed by biotech veterans in the Boston area is moving to the VDC. Their startup is called Novophage Therapeutics which plans to make engineered viruses that may help combat the growing problem of resistance...
by vdc | Aug 11, 2010 | News and Events
The second week of October is Boston Region Entrepreneurship Week, celebrating everything related to launching and nurturing companies in and around Boston. As part of this celebration, Propel Careers and the Venture Development Center are presenting Entrepreneurship...