Become part of a thriving community of some of the best and brightest entrepreneurial talent in the world.


Please complete this application, and we’ll get in touch to arrange a meeting and mutually decide if we are a match.

About You

Select yes if you want the VDC to facilitate an H-1B visa so you can move to or remain in Boston after you graduate to launch your company.

Your Company

Have you raised funding? If yes, please provide more details. If no, how are you funding your startup? Verification documents maybe requested upon acceptance.

Your Team

Please list the names and roles of all co-founders in your team, and give brief details about each co-founder’s work experience.

Your Business

Please summarize the benefit of your offer, how you solve your customer's needs and what distinguishes you from the competition.
What is the market size for this business? Who are your biggest competitors? How are you better than those competitors?
Have built a product prototype, run a pilot or acquired customers?
How will the business make money?

Our Program

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Venture Development Center
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston, MA 02125-3393

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