Core Research Facilities
Mission critical instruments, equipment and expertise now available through the Massachusetts Innovation Voucher Program
Get discounted access to the resources you need to efficiently develop and test products
A new Innovation Voucher Program is providing innovative growth companies headquartered in Massachusetts access to 90 UMass core research facilities throughout the state. The program:
- Reduces the time it takes to access resources
- Ensures that companies retain their intellectual property
- Reduces the cost to develop and test products
UMass core research facilities are available at daily or hourly rates or per unit rates. $4 million in vouchers is available, first come, first served. $75,000 is the maximum voucher amount an individual company may be awarded in any one year. Approved voucher requests from companies with 10 or fewer employees get a 75% discount, and companies with 11-50 employees get a 50% discount.
Select core facilities available in Boston
These facilities are located in the Integrated Sciences Complex (ISC), opened in Spring 2015 (when most of the equipment was purchased) on the UMass campus at 100 Morrissey Blvd. in Boston. It is a 30 minute trip door-to-door on the Red Line from Kendall to UMass. For your convenience, a new 1,400 parking garage adjacent to the ISC is open.
Animal Resource Facility
The 7,515 square foot Animal Vivarium is located on the 5th floor of the ISC, and comprises:
- 16 housing rooms, independently controlled housing cubicles, pass-through cage washer and autoclave, operation room, one necropsy room, three procedure rooms
- Staffed 7-days a week and offers routine husbandry and breeding care for the animals.
- Barrier Suite allows for the housing and use of immunocompromised mice, including:
- Getinge GE6613 ERB 2 Door Steam Sterilizer solely for the autoclave sterilization of immunocompromised mouse cages, water bottles, bedding, and other husbandry components
- Perkin Elmer IVIS Lumina XRMS Series III instrument that permits visualization of tumor growth, response to chemotherapeutic agents, and assessment of tumor biomarkers in vivo and in real time without the need to sacrifice the host animal
Major equipment:
- Objet30 3D Printer (which permits the printing of objects from biocompatible materials)
- Roland MDX-540SA milling instrument
- Markforged Mark 2, a 3D printer capable of printing continuous carbon fiber reinforced parts
- Ultimaker 2, a fused deposition modeling 3D printer
- GCC LaserPro Spirit LS
- Roland MDX-40A Milling Machine
- Formlabs Form 2 3D printer
Chromatography, Spectroscopy and Microscopy
Major equipment:
- Agilent 400 MHz NMR
- PerkinElmer AxION 2 TOF LC-MS
- Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IR-MS)
- Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS)
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
- JEOL JSM-6010LA IntouchScope Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Cold Vapor Atomic Flourescence Spectroscopy (CVAFS)
- Smiths Detection FTIR Microscope
- UV-Vis Spectrometers
- ED-XRF Spectro XEPOS Bench Top Energy Dispersion X-ray Fluorescence
- Zeiss LSM 880 Confocal Microscope
- Olympus BX53 upright and IX73 inverted fluorescence microscopes
- Bruker SENTERRA II micro-FTIR/micro-Raman spectrometer
- Nanoflow HPLC-high resolution mass spectrometer system with Thermo- Forma EASY- nLC 1200 System
- Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS)
- UltiMate™ NCP3500RS HPLC system
Genomics, Flow Cytometry and Imaging
Major equipment:
- Becton Dickinson FACS Aria III in a BSL-2 biosafety cabinet
- Illumina HiSeq 2500, capable of DNA/RNA high throughput sequencing
- cBot Cluster Generation System
- Illumina MiSeq
- Qubit 2.0 for DNA/RNA quantitation
- Agilent Bioanalyzer for DNA/RNA integrity assessment
- Covaris DNA fragmentation instrument
- Beckman Coulter FXP Dual Multichannel Span-8 robot to automate sequencing library preparations
- NanoString nCounter system FDA-approved for clinical diagnostics
- LiCor Odyssey digital imaging station
- c-Digit chemiluminescence system
- EVOS cell imaging system
- Visible and fluorescence plate readers
Also check the core facilities at our other campuses. There are over 90!
Sign up now, vouchers are first come, first served
Please complete this form to access any or all UMass core facilities. The appropriate UMass campus contact will get right back to you to answer your questions, scope the project and determine the voucher amount.