by william.brah | Jan 31, 2019 | General, Incubators, Innovation, R & D
With all of the technical resources available in the Kendall Square area, why do Cambridge-based Platelet BioGenesis scientists travel to the UMass Boston campus one day per week to use the animal facility and confocal microscope? According to Lea Beaulieu, Platelet’s...
by edelfreitas | Apr 17, 2015 | Focus On Founders, Fundraising, Incubators, Innovation, Marketing and Selling, Mentoring, R & D, Startups
Research labs spend more than $35 billion a year on laboratory equipment and supplies. But as big companies restructure their research and development to reduce costs and risks, they rely more and more on research done by smaller companies. These smaller labs are a...
by edelfreitas | Apr 2, 2015 | Focus On Founders, General, Incubators, Innovation, R & D, Startups, What's Offered
In a recent interview with one of our companies, Bioarray Therapeutics, I got an inside look at how founder, Marcia Fournier, made use of the Venture Development Center’s supercomputing facilities. The supercomputer was developed by another VDC company,...
by vdc | Dec 8, 2009 | Incubators, R & D
Not a month goes by without the Venture Development Center receiving several inquires from bioentrepreneurs about workspace and collaboration. While there’s lab space available right now in the Boston area, the occupancy rate is holding relatively steady so no one is...
by vdc | Jul 6, 2009 | Innovation, R & D
At a time when organizations should be taking bigger innovation risks, their bias is in the other direction. But not UMass President Wilson, who understands that avoiding risky projects altogether strangles growth. Last week, Wilson announced a total of $1 million in...