UMass tech licensing income soars to top

Something to be proud of: University of Massachusetts licensing income from its intellectual property income climbed to $73 million during Fiscal Year 2009, a record and a performance likely to vault UMass into the intellectual property income Top 10 nationwide,...

Best lab and office space in Boston focused on start-ups

If you ask any of the start-ups at the Venture Development Center to describe in one word the culture of our incubator in Boston, they’ll say “focused”. Everyone is focused on launching, and keeping costs to a minimum. The start-up founders will also mention the...

Start-up interns (To help you launch!)

Hiring student interns can be a great way to fulfill the day-to-day workload requirements of a start-up business and free up valuable resources to execute more strategic tasks. Hiring interns is also a more cost efficient model during challenging economic times. UMass...

Revolutionary ideas start here (IDEAS Boston)

Revolutionary ideas seem to be what Boston is good at generating. Some of the best were presented yesterday during the filming of IDEAS Boston 2009. In lieu of their traditional in-person conference, this year’s was filmed in front of a small audience in the Venture...