by vdc | Apr 13, 2012 | General
Are Boston’s incubators a path to prosperity for tech startups? It is too soon to say, since the incubators are relatively new, and it takes years for startups to achieve a business model that generates growth. But money raised is an interesting enough early...
by vdc | Mar 26, 2012 | General
Last year witnessed the lowest amount of biotech seed investment activity in 15 years, according to Xconomy, even though investments surged towards the end of the year. We analyzed information from OnBioVC to figure out how Massachusetts fared compared to other...
by vdc | Feb 7, 2012 | General
Most startup accelerators feature an impressive roster of mentors “ready to help you take your company to the next level.” With the explosion of accelerators, there’s actually an “arm’s race” to sign them up. But how do you know if...
by vdc | Jun 3, 2011 | General
By Rodney H. Brown, Mass High Tech Novophage Inc., a startup that was known until March as Novophage Therapeutics Inc., has taken in $5.75 million in its first institutional funding round. The deal also brings on Micah Rosenbloom, co-founder of Bronte Technologies, as...
by vdc | Mar 28, 2011 | General
What would happen if every employee had a clause in their contract that said, “You make it, you use it?” That’s called eating your own dog food, an expression describing the act of a company using its own products for day-to-day operations. A company that eats...