by william.brah | Feb 23, 2015 | General, Incubators, Innovation, Startups
The Venture Development Center (VDC) at UMass Boston welcomes SQZ Biotech (SQZ), a company founded by MIT colleagues Robert Langer, Klavs Jensen, Armon Sharei and Agustin Lopez Marquez. SQZ contacted the VDC in July 2014 as they were ready to expand their internal...
by edelfreitas | Jan 14, 2015 | Incubators, Innovation, Mentoring, Startups
“Paint them a picture of nirvana; of how beautiful it is going to be and how their problems will be solved.” – John Hamilton Recently, I got the opportunity to sit down with accomplished sales executive and Venture Development Center (VDC) Entrepreneur in...
by vdc | Oct 28, 2010 | Incubators
With a proof of concept in hand, startup NobleGen Biosciences is setting up at the VDC to develop and commercialize a single-molecule sequencing technology that uses arrays of solid-state nanopores and optical detection. The method comes from the lab of Amit Meller at...
by vdc | Aug 19, 2010 | Incubators
Elects to launch in Massachusetts A group of up-and-comers backed by biotech veterans in the Boston area is moving to the VDC. Their startup is called Novophage Therapeutics which plans to make engineered viruses that may help combat the growing problem of resistance...
by vdc | Aug 15, 2010 | Incubators
Fred Wilson, a VC at Union Square Ventures in NYC, after touring the cool new digs of portfolio company Etsy, concluded: "You feel happy. But when you are less than ten people, it is hard to invest in stuff like this. All you can do is focus on getting your...
by vdc | Feb 6, 2010 | Incubators
A Darwinian reality faces Boston area startup life science companies: There’s more space to grow into than to emerge from. Even sublease lab space has dried to a trickle after steady interest chewed up the best sites, according to Richards Barry Joyce & Partners....